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How to Keep Surfing as Fun as it Was the First Time

water-sports-820618_1920-768x512Surfing is a sport enjoyed by people of all ages, backgrounds, and interests. However, like any sport or hobby, after a period of time it can lose the luster it had when you first got started. If you’re stuck in a surf riot then Maui Eco Tours is here to help! Read about the best ways to make surfing as fun today as it was the first time you surfed.

Catch different waves

Most serious surfers have their favorite surfing spot. Many even have their favorite surfing rituals. For example, they may go to the same beach on the same day at the same time. While initially this can be comforting, after time the routine gets old. Trying mixing up locations, times, and other factors to make it new again.

Take surfing lessons

There’s plenty you can learn on your own but taking surfing lessons can get you to the next level. Even professional surfers have a lot to learn. Just having someone there who’s seeing you from a different perspective can be enlightening. Maui Eco Tours has surfing lessons for people of all skill levels.

Find a new surfing group

The act of surfing may be solitary but going surfing doesn’t need to be. Check into local meetups where you can find surfers who want to be social. You might take to the waves together and enjoy a drink or meal afterwards, or your interaction may be limited to the beach. Either way, when you’re surfing with a group you’ll find your interest piqued once again.

Introduce someone to the joy of surfing

What better way to bring back the feeling of first discovering surfing than to watch someone else experience? Find a friend, co-worker or family member who’s never given it a try and take them out. You could also volunteer with a local group and take people out to the waves. The possibilities are endless.

Get a new surfboard

Gone are the days when all surfboards were essentially the same. Today you have thousands of board types to choose from. If surfing feels less exciting, consider getting a more exciting board! You may be surprised by how much of a difference it can make.

At Maui Eco Tours we’re enthusiastic about surfing! We can help you regain your old excitement and renew your love of surfing.

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